Upcoming Exhibitions / Tulevat näyttelyt
17.1.-9.2.2025 Habitats -group exhibition,
Kuva/Tila, Helsinki
17.5.-15.6.2025 Kuvan Kevät MFA show,
Kuva/Tila, Helsinki
Contact / Yhteys
Mikäli haluat tietää töistäni lisää tai olet kiinnostunut ostamaan teoksen, otathan minuun yhteyttä sähköpostitse. Jos haluat nähdä teoksiani, tiedotan näyttelyistä ja näytän maalauksia myös mahdollisuuksien mukaan työhuoneella.
In case you want to hear more about my art or you are interested in purchasing any of my work, do not hesitate to contact me through e-mail.
︎ heidiforsman.art@gmail.com
Image © 2024 Joel Petzold
Image © 2024 Joel Petzold
About / Minusta
Olen savonlinnalaislähtöinen 31-vuotias kuvataiteilija. Opiskelen Taideyliopiston Kuvataideakatemiassa. Maalaaminen on erilaisista kuvanteon tavoista minulle merkityksellisin. Maalaaminen prosessoi kaikkea mitä tunnen ja koen, sekä mitä olen nähnyt ja mikä haluaa tulla nähdyksi.
Minua kiinnostavat etenkin kyseenalaistaminen, haastaminen ja uudet näkökulmat taiteen sisältönä, sekä millaisin mielikuvituksellisin ja epätavallisin keinoin taiteella on mahdollisuus vaikuttaa. Tavoitteenani on luoda visuaalisesti mielenkiintoisia kuvia, välittää tunteita ja kohdata teosteni avulla.
Maalaamisessa kiinnostavaa on väreillä ja sommittelulla leikittely, joka tapahtuu sekä alitajuisen että harkitun prosessin kautta. Välillä mielessäni on selkeä visio tulevasta maalauksesta, jota lähden toteuttamaan hyvin kontrolloidusti. Toisinaan taas maalaus syntyy puhtaasti kokeilujen ja sattumien kautta. Koen tarvitsevani näitä molempia puolia.
I am a 31-year-old artist grown up in Savonlinna. I study at
Uniarts Helsinki's Academy of Fine Arts.
Painting has the highest meaning to me personally. Whilst I paint, I process the whole spectrum of my experiences and emotions: what I’ve seen and what wants to emerge to be seen. Questioning, challenging and finding new perspectives as the content of art intrigue me. What imaginative and original means of impact does art possess?
My aim is to create visually interesting imagery, transmit emotions and encounter other human beings through my art. I am deeply inspired by the play with colours and composition, which take place both intuitively and consciously. Sometimes I have a clear vision of the painting, which I carry out in a controlled manner. And other times the painting forms through experiment and coincidences. I need both of these approaches.
I am a 31-year-old artist grown up in Savonlinna. I study at
Uniarts Helsinki's Academy of Fine Arts.
Painting has the highest meaning to me personally. Whilst I paint, I process the whole spectrum of my experiences and emotions: what I’ve seen and what wants to emerge to be seen. Questioning, challenging and finding new perspectives as the content of art intrigue me. What imaginative and original means of impact does art possess?
My aim is to create visually interesting imagery, transmit emotions and encounter other human beings through my art. I am deeply inspired by the play with colours and composition, which take place both intuitively and consciously. Sometimes I have a clear vision of the painting, which I carry out in a controlled manner. And other times the painting forms through experiment and coincidences. I need both of these approaches.
Painting has the highest meaning to me personally. Whilst I paint, I process the whole spectrum of my experiences and emotions: what I’ve seen and what wants to emerge to be seen. Questioning, challenging and finding new perspectives as the content of art intrigue me. What imaginative and original means of impact does art possess?
My aim is to create visually interesting imagery, transmit emotions and encounter other human beings through my art. I am deeply inspired by the play with colours and composition, which take place both intuitively and consciously. Sometimes I have a clear vision of the painting, which I carry out in a controlled manner. And other times the painting forms through experiment and coincidences. I need both of these approaches.
Born 1993 in Savonlinna, Finland
Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland
2023 - (2025) Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts Helsinki
Studies leading to the Master of Fine Arts degree
2020 - 2023 Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts Helsinki
Bachelor of Fine Arts, the Subject area of Painting
2018 - 2020 Vapaa Taidekoulu / Free Art School
The first and second year studies of Painting
2015 - 2017 Omnia Vocational Upper Secondary Education and Training
Qualification in Crafts and Design, Artisan, Competence area in Environmental Design and Construction
2009 - 2012 Savonlinna Senior Secondary School of Arts and Music
Finnish Matriculation Examination, the Visual Arts division
Finnish Painters' Union
Helsinki Artists’ Association
Artists' Association Yö
Solo Exhibitions
2022 Mindscapes, Galleria Kajava, Helsinki
2020 Human/Nature, Galleria Vaaga, Helsinki
Group Exhibitions
2025 Habitats, Kuva/Tila, Helsinki
2024 VALO, Galleria Toinen silmä, Helsinki
2023 BFA Exhibition, Kuva/Tila, Helsinki
2023 Sateenkaaren alla, Taidelainaamo, Helsinki
2023 Olipa kerran..., Taidelainaamo, Helsinki
2022 To be continued, Galleria Eteinen, Savonlinna
2021 Väriä pimeyteen, Galleria Katariina, Helsinki
2021 Feel Helsinki, Helsinki Music Centre
2021 Three Artotheques Together, Galleria Aarni, Espoo
2020 Hämärän hetki, Taidelainaamo, Helsinki
2020 HELENE, Kulttuurihalli, Helsinki Central Railway Station
2020 Poikkeustila, Loukko Galleria, Helsinki
2019 Vapaan Ekat, Galleria Vaaga, Helsinki